One month ago, I complained to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change about the Kottoor Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. I also wrote RTIs and another complaint letter to the State Government requesting to free the captive elephant in the rehabilitation centre. These elephants are being ill-treated and the rehabilitation centre is using the funds given by the Centre and by United Nations for unnecessary activities.

Please refer to my previous post to view this topic in detail.

Given below is the letter I sent to MoEF :

I was very excited when the Central Government responded to my letter and confirmed that action would be sought. It was my first letter from the Government of India and this is a milestone for me. It inspired me to tab follow ups. I’m also more determined to keep sending RTIs until the captive elephants are set free into the woods.

This is the response I received from the Centre



    1. hey there! well, these are the techniques that i use
      1. keep it attractive. don’t try to imitate someone else, use your style.
      2. speak your mind out. that’s where your creativity is. you can add some masala if you like
      3. if you deviate, try to bring back the topic.
      4. you can make points on what to write beforehand. this helps a lot.
      5. stay hydrated. lol. the brain focuses more


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