I had never viewed myself as someone who would oppose the idea of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). I never knew enough about this topic to form solid opinions about it. I was in view that if people want to have their own biological children, they should have the right to …

Tiger in the Wayanad Tunnel

A few weeks ago, I sent an email to Project Tiger requesting them to declare Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary as a Tiger Reserve for protecting the tigers and to reduce disturbances towards the human settlements there. Before I tell you about their response, let me give you some facts about the …

Right To Make Noise

It feels good to be back, to be writing down blog articles again. I’m sorry about that short break. Life is a mixture of chaotic noises for everyone. Call it a cacophony. Sometimes meaningless, sometimes it leaves us trying to find it through oblivion, and sometimes, we just have to …