Lock-down For Us, Level-Up For The Environment

 LOCK-DOWN FOR US, LEVEL-UP FOR THE ENVIRONMENT    Remember when the first ever plague began? Of course, it was in the 6th century, in Egypt. It spread to Constantinople which was the then capital of Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire. It is now the current state of Instanbul, Turkey. Another strain of the …

Tiger in the Wayanad Tunnel

A few weeks ago, I sent an email to Project Tiger requesting them to declare Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary as a Tiger Reserve for protecting the tigers and to reduce disturbances towards the human settlements there. Before I tell you about their response, let me give you some facts about the …

Vet To The Rescue

The Animal Kingdom never fails to mesmerize me. From the bio-luminous crystal jellies to the empathetic dolphins, from the aggressive hummingbird to the gentle giraffes, from the life-giving bees to the poisonous desert tarantulas, the chain of fabulous interactions, quirky behavior and respect towards dominance have always made me fall …

KOTTOOR UPDATE : Giants Almost Free

One month ago, I complained to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change about the Kottoor Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. I also wrote RTIs and another complaint letter to the State Government requesting to free the captive elephant in the rehabilitation centre. These elephants are being ill-treated …

Carbon Farming

I had a discussion with my lecturer in college one day on how carbon farming which is afforestation in deserted areas, (mainly deserts) is done as a carbon sink to control climate change. Ofcourse, the ore trees you have as green canopies, the more carbon is absorbed and the less …


My family and I visited Coorg to just bask in the beauty of the dewy nature over there but unfortunately our stay was not so good. However, we still enjoyed the coffee plantations around us, the morning dew, and I also realized how different the soil in Coorg is. It’s …

What Will Replace Silent Cries Then? (poem)

Ever thought that if instead of green stems, It was a vein flowing with crimson blood? If instead of white fibrous cellulose roots, It was thick black keratinous hair? If instead of waxy-cutaneous foliates, It was sebum sweating skin, That hums the pain which resonates The torture of a lusty …

The Questionable Nature of the Fake Genuineness Of The EIA Reports In India : A Case Study

I got selected for poster presentation for an international conference organised by The Society of Conservation of Biology(SCB) held on 20th and 21st of March 2018 at Amity University, Noida, India. To prepare for this, I sat through and read the Environment Impact Assessment report of the land purchased by …

Surrounded By Carbon?

I have always adored diamond jewellery. Something about the way it catches light and twists it imprison my eyes. And simultaneously I wonder why this allotrope of carbon is so high-priced when our primary aim is to reduce another form of carbon- carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reduce global …

Palode: The Unsung Myristica Swamp

  On a cloudy day, a few hours before 2017 got over, I went to a forest land in Palode, Trivandum, Kerala, India. Little did I know that there were issues going on for the forest land. Indian Medical Association(IMA) under their sub-wing IMAGE has used The Department of Environment …