Lock-down For Us, Level-Up For The Environment

 LOCK-DOWN FOR US, LEVEL-UP FOR THE ENVIRONMENT    Remember when the first ever plague began? Of course, it was in the 6th century, in Egypt. It spread to Constantinople which was the then capital of Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire. It is now the current state of Instanbul, Turkey. Another strain of the …

Norwegian Wood- Mental health review

India is under lockdown due to the Corona Virus and now I’m back at home, in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, attending online classes (extra online classes for me, to sync the lateral entry problems -_– )  I just wanted to upload a post about a book which I read in the month …

Mysterious Stairways

After having a lavish meal from Xero Degrees, a café in Cannought Palace, Delhi, India,   my friend and I took a 1.3km walk to Hailey Road and we were stopped on our path by the magnificence of a beautiful street art. It was that of a woman trying to …

Tiger in the Wayanad Tunnel

A few weeks ago, I sent an email to Project Tiger requesting them to declare Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary as a Tiger Reserve for protecting the tigers and to reduce disturbances towards the human settlements there. Before I tell you about their response, let me give you some facts about the …


My family and I visited Coorg to just bask in the beauty of the dewy nature over there but unfortunately our stay was not so good. However, we still enjoyed the coffee plantations around us, the morning dew, and I also realized how different the soil in Coorg is. It’s …