I had never viewed myself as someone who would oppose the idea of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). I never knew enough about this topic to form solid opinions about it. I was in view that if people want to have their own biological children, they should have the right to …


On 16 August 2021, I was blessed with an opportunity to meet the esteemed Adv. Yeshwant Shenoy sir. As part of my online summer internship, I worked under sir’s guidance and drafted my first legal draft. In the month of August, I visited my hometown for the sole purpose of …

Wishful Thinking

  This was something I uploaded as my story on Instagram(@_pikamenon_). The post itself is self-explanatory. Everytime I read the newspaper, I get frustrated by the happenings in our world. There are times when i wish if everything would just pause and if the world would start to humanize humanity.

Lock-down For Us, Level-Up For The Environment

 LOCK-DOWN FOR US, LEVEL-UP FOR THE ENVIRONMENT    Remember when the first ever plague began? Of course, it was in the 6th century, in Egypt. It spread to Constantinople which was the then capital of Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire. It is now the current state of Instanbul, Turkey. Another strain of the …

Tiger in the Wayanad Tunnel

A few weeks ago, I sent an email to Project Tiger requesting them to declare Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary as a Tiger Reserve for protecting the tigers and to reduce disturbances towards the human settlements there. Before I tell you about their response, let me give you some facts about the …

Eye Of The Tiger

I despise zoological parks. Zoos are considered as a place for entertainment in India by presenting the wildlife enclosed in tiny enclosures to the visitors who tease and mock them. Today, on 25th July, 2019,  my friends and I volunteered for World Wildlife Fund’s Global Tiger Day program held at …

Carbon Farming

I had a discussion with my lecturer in college one day on how carbon farming which is afforestation in deserted areas, (mainly deserts) is done as a carbon sink to control climate change. Ofcourse, the ore trees you have as green canopies, the more carbon is absorbed and the less …

Shallow Waters

The last time I visited The Akkulam Lake, I was unable to count the number of sea shells, unable to distinguish between the various chirps of the birds, and the shadow of the tree canopy cooled the land. My father told me that during his childhood days, this lake was …