Lock-down For Us, Level-Up For The Environment

 LOCK-DOWN FOR US, LEVEL-UP FOR THE ENVIRONMENT    Remember when the first ever plague began? Of course, it was in the 6th century, in Egypt. It spread to Constantinople which was the then capital of Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire. It is now the current state of Instanbul, Turkey. Another strain of the …

Carbon Farming

I had a discussion with my lecturer in college one day on how carbon farming which is afforestation in deserted areas, (mainly deserts) is done as a carbon sink to control climate change. Ofcourse, the ore trees you have as green canopies, the more carbon is absorbed and the less …

Surrounded By Carbon?

I have always adored diamond jewellery. Something about the way it catches light and twists it imprison my eyes. And simultaneously I wonder why this allotrope of carbon is so high-priced when our primary aim is to reduce another form of carbon- carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reduce global …