Tiger in the Wayanad Tunnel

A few weeks ago, I sent an email to Project Tiger requesting them to declare Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary as a Tiger Reserve for protecting the tigers and to reduce disturbances towards the human settlements there. Before I tell you about their response, let me give you some facts about the …

Eye Of The Tiger

I despise zoological parks. Zoos are considered as a place for entertainment in India by presenting the wildlife enclosed in tiny enclosures to the visitors who tease and mock them. Today, on 25th July, 2019,  my friends and I volunteered for World Wildlife Fund’s Global Tiger Day program held at …

Vet To The Rescue

The Animal Kingdom never fails to mesmerize me. From the bio-luminous crystal jellies to the empathetic dolphins, from the aggressive hummingbird to the gentle giraffes, from the life-giving bees to the poisonous desert tarantulas, the chain of fabulous interactions, quirky behavior and respect towards dominance have always made me fall …

KOTTOOR UPDATE : Giants Almost Free

One month ago, I complained to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change about the Kottoor Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. I also wrote RTIs and another complaint letter to the State Government requesting to free the captive elephant in the rehabilitation centre. These elephants are being ill-treated …

An Emotion Called Freedom

So, you’re an elephant walking alone in a forest and suddenly you get ambushed by humans. The next thing you know, you’re standing under a concrete stand. You feel tight pulls on your forelegs and hindlegs when you try to move a bit to scratch that never fading itch. The …