I let the cold monsoon kiss my hair wet

as I smelled the rain drenched damp earth

and filled my lungs to the fullest with rusty tree-sap

which exploded into green leaves in my alveoli.

Wind lulled the wet land to sleep

as it woke again to the disappearing moonlight

when the sun touched the red horizon

and dew collected over the misty island

as it glowed like a girl on her fifth menstrual wave,

dripping on estrogen hybridized chlorophyll.

Dusk masked dawn as the capillaries of twilight made

the shadow of Alapuzha cast silhouettes

over the blue backwaters, sizzling

under the warm sky holding chirping birds.

Light escaped through the spiders’ webs

and emerged to burn insects.

The walls glittered silver and reflected

the twinkles of yet another starlit sky

that caught the flickers of candlelit dinners

of heavenly manna.

This poem is based on what my five sense organs felt when I stayed in the ever enchanting Our Land Island and Backwater Resort, Alapuzha, Kerala, India.

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