On March 12, 2019, I had the blessed opportunity to meet the best environmental lawyer of India, Mr. M.C Mehta.

In my 5th semester of B.Sc Environmental Sciences, we had a subject, “Environmental Law” under which we learnt the basics of the Indian Constitution and Public Interest Litigation (PIL) cases. 90% of the cases were by Mr. M.C Mehta.

I was drawn to the enthusiasm of this lawyer and his dedication to prevent environmental degradation. Since then, he inspired me to become an environmental lawyer and to love nature with more effect.

When I got the opportunity to meet the respected soul, I was on cloud nine! I could barely contain my excitement. My friends ho accompanied me for the event, Sunanda and Sushmita had to keep giving me reality checks.

It was during a conference conducted on ‘Environment and Sustainability: Critical Issues and Solutions’ at New Delhi that I was able to meet him after his session.

I told him about the work I have done and he gave e tips. It was the perfect 5 minute mentor-mentee meeting!

Along with sir, i was able to meet the Associate Justice of Hawaii- Mr. Michael Wilson who, just like Mehta-ji, is a very respectful personality with an energetic and down-to-earth nature. I wish I could be their tutelage and gain massive knowledge and also a modest personality.


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