I had a discussion with my lecturer in college one day on how carbon farming which is afforestation in deserted areas, (mainly deserts) is done as a carbon sink to control climate change.

Ofcourse, the ore trees you have as green canopies, the more carbon is absorbed and the less guilty we can feel about the burning fuel; but, here is my point of view: planting trees in deserts will not help to minimise climate change unless it is done right. A complicated problem will have a complicated solution.

Forest management is more than what meets the eye. The right type of tree needs to be planted at the right place. This is difficult to be done in sandy deserts. Plants cannot grow on sand. Using desalinized water and other irrigation techniques for growing carbon sinks in deserts is a budget drain and is not initially cost effective. However, when compared to other anti-pollution methods, aforestation is the most eco-friendly way.

But is it? Oh, no. I’m not hinting that planting trees is a bad idea. No no. planting trees is the best backup option. The best way is to preserve an already existing forest. Forests are self replicating and without human interference, anything can flourish. Natural forest fires cause havoc to the atmosphere but natural sere succession is capable to bring back life and a better ecosystem to that land. Most of the forests planted are done by using non-native species and this questions the efficacy of the aforestation programs because natural forests are more than carbon sinks. They are ecosystem builders. Non native species can change the entire ecosystem of the land and it may have its on pros and cons.

Another point is that in the boreal regions, due to albedo effect, increase in forest cover on snowy seasons will absorb more sunlight as the snow is blocked which reflects the sunrays. This increases the surface temperature even though the trees take up the carbon dioxide as they grow.

Now to use my power as a hypocrite, vertical gardens need to be erected as much as possible. These are natural air filters and do its part by absorbing carbon. having said all this, I will always support the planting of trees and also prevention of unnecessary deforestation . its always the best method available that can be practiced to not regret the impacts of climate change.

In 2017, I worked with environmentalists and locals to plant more than 2 lakh native trees on a land which was a victim to deforestation



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