Modern life is a panaroma of abstractions that insulate the lucky among us from reality.
We have all come a long way and the path of consumerism is religion practiced with devoted art. 
No matter what we try to aid for the economic betterment with sustenance in check, it’s still going to boomerang as biological chaos.

There is no yang for the yin.

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So, after my lateral entry to Amity University Noida from JSS University Mysore (which explains why I was off my blog for a while. Sorry about that, I got a bit busy.) , it was a vast change of educational quality for me. I’m learning stuff the way I’ve wanted to learn. We have a paper called Environmental Economics which is one of my favorite now. This really opened up new perspectives for me based on how everything single thing is interlinked to ecology and economic.

You can say that ecology and economics are two sides of the same coin. However changes in one impact the other.

For a rapidly developing world which is in a rat race for globalization, syncing of economy is very important. But in this pursuit, the impacts that are showered on the ecology of the environment are often forgotten. Taking electricity for medical purposes is an accurate example. Every hospital needs electricity to have the biomedical machines pumping.  This electricity is cultivated from the kinetics of water. And for that, the river movement is frozen with damns. The environmental impact this generates is huge. It causes effects such as biodiversity fragmentation to landslides and soil erosion, water siltation, etc. The osmotic flow of groundwater through aquifers to reach the lotic water-bodies is disturbed. Changes in environment directly affect human health. Here, one example would be that during the construction of damns, the air pollutants released, harm the respiratory systems of humans. They get hospitalized and electricity run machines are used for their treatment. That’s the economic link. Everything is a business hub.

Ofcourse we have reached a mark in the Anthropocene where we can’t live without technology. We obviously need concrete shelter above our heads made from minerals dug deep from the earth’s crust, we need processed food manufactured from plantations which were once forest canopies and I obviously need electronic devices to share my blog thoughts. It is a world of irony. But can we do something about it? Yes, and that’s what I always encourage people to know and share.

Go minimal; as much as you can. Seriously, it does more than what you think.  Skip a straw and you save a turtle. Microplastic pollution is a big deal. It’s even found in your food because of plastic pollution. Plastic is not the issue. Plastic is an important material in the modern world. But our management with disregarded plastic is the issue. There is a lot more I would love to share regarding microplastic pollution and going minimal to reduce the carbon footprint. That’s for another blog article. This is just my introduction article on how ecology and economy are like conjoined cousins.


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